All tracks by Yann Coppier at Studio Ovale except when notified
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Absurd sounds are part of a three-year artistic research project called “Poetics of Sound and Sonic Dramaturgy”, developed in Denmark with the support of the Danish Ministry of Culture while being head of the Sound Line at the Danish National School of Performing Arts (DDSKS). They are also the main subject of a publication on Journal of Artistic Research (JAR), which you’ll find HERE.

Harvesting the Rare Sounds is an application developed with the game engine Unity3D in 2017, by Yann Coppier. It features the different sound parts developped by Edition# (Yann Coppier and Runar Magnusson) for the art installation Harvesting the Rare Earth by Jacob Remin, in Overgaden institute for Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2016.
Controls: Move with arrows or A/W/S/D (left/forward/backwards/right), look around with mouse/trackpad.
Download for Mac (454 MB)
Download for PC (453 MB)

Invisible Marbles is an application developed with the game engine Unity3D in 2017, by Yann Coppier. It reproduces a simple experiment: 100 marbles thrown on the floor and recorded with 8 omnidirectional microphones are played in a similar setup, with virtual loudspeakers. How will the room behave as we move around our setup?
Mixed in binaural – listen with HEADPHONES.
Controls: Move with arrows or A/W/S/D (left/forward/backwards/right), look around with mouse/trackpad.
Download for Mac (65 MB)
Download for PC (54 MB)

Edition#3 – Spaces is an application developed with the game engine Unity3D in 2019, by Yann Coppier. Made in collaboration with sound artist Runar Magnusson, it recreates two original sound installations in the real world, the first one (a silent fall) with 10 loudspeakers on the floor, the other one (the fragmented sea) with 51 loudspeakers on the rooftop. A different kind of release, it features about an hour of music and is highly dependent on the listener’s placement.
Mixed in binaural – listen with HEADPHONES.
Controls: Move with arrows or A/W/S/D (left/forward/backwards/right), look around with mouse/trackpad. Jump (only in the stairs) with Spacebar. X to make loudspeakers appear/disappear. V to make walls appear/disappear. Numbers from 1 to 9 to change tracks in the lower installation. ESC to bring the menu.
Download for Mac (803 MB)
Download for PC (744 MB)
Follow Edition# HERE.

Matt Choboter – Where will you stand? is an application developed with the game engine Unity3D in 2020, by Yann Coppier. Made in collaboration with composer and pianist Matt Choboter, it is a full 3D recording of a concert, as heard from 16 various points of view – you make your own mix by moving around. The lights on the floor represent the original placement of the various instruments, which you can explore freely. The instructions are on the church’s back wall.
Mixed in binaural – listen with HEADPHONES.
Controls: Move with arrows or A/W/S/D (left/forward/backwards/right), look around with mouse/trackpad. Numbers from 1 to 4 to change tracks. ESC to bring the menu.
Download for Mac (320 MB) Download for PC (325 MB) Follow Matt Choboter HERE.